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Real-time stock price
    • A031980PSK HOLDINGS
    • 100(-0.19%) 51,900
Trading Volume 376,805
Transaction Price 19,935,729,800
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
474 52,400
300 52,300
232 52,200
295 52,100
182 52,000
51,900 762
51,800 1,085
51,700 1,256
51,600 1,380
51,500 5,439
1,483 Total 9,922
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 51,900 100 52,000 51,900 4,127
15:20:00 51,900 100 51,900 51,800 162
15:19:30 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 1
15:19:00 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 4
15:18:30 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 77
15:18:00 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 47
15:17:30 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 203
15:17:00 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 61
15:16:30 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 9
15:15:50 52,000 - 0 52,000 51,900 20
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Kiwoomcom Securitie 55,854 Kiwoomcom Securitie 51,354
Shinhan Investment C 53,846 Korea Investment S 45,777
MRASDW 41,929 MRASDW 45,613
Korea Investment S 35,447 NHIS 37,539
BNK Financial Group Inc 29,667 Shinhan Investment C 29,764
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
24/10/15 51,900 100 53,500 54,300 51,500 375,751 19,881,659,600
24/10/14 52,000 3,750 48,250 52,700 48,000 445,053 22,814,358,650
24/10/11 48,250 250 48,650 49,950 47,500 210,180 10,246,332,300
24/10/10 48,000 350 49,200 50,400 47,850 354,694 17,481,151,550
24/10/08 47,650 450 47,350 49,250 47,000 190,537 9,191,569,150
24/10/07 48,100 3,050 46,000 48,350 45,050 286,302 13,499,102,900
24/10/04 45,050 50 46,000 46,950 45,050 164,410 7,555,084,700
24/10/02 45,100 750 43,400 45,650 42,650 262,027 11,636,919,500
24/09/30 44,350 1,350 45,700 45,750 44,100 231,923 10,395,018,700
24/09/27 45,700 50 45,650 47,600 45,200 389,079 18,066,883,300