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Real-time stock price
    • A031980PSK HOLDINGS
    • 650(-2.15%) 29,650
Trading Volume 164,198
Transaction Price 4,930,450,050
Sell Remaining Asking Price Buy Remaining
2 29,850
42 29,800
3 29,750
203 29,700
367 29,650
29,600 915
29,550 10,200
29,500 158
29,450 282
29,400 1,305
617 Total 12,860
Time Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Calling Price Offer Price Buy Remaining
15:30:00 29,650 650 29,650 29,600 5,452
15:20:00 29,550 750 29,650 29,600 157
15:19:40 29,600 700 29,600 29,550 89
15:19:30 29,600 700 29,600 29,550 16
15:19:10 29,600 700 29,600 29,550 63
15:19:00 29,550 750 29,600 29,550 38
15:18:40 29,550 750 29,550 29,500 77
15:18:30 29,550 750 29,550 29,500 479
15:18:20 29,550 750 29,550 29,500 20
15:18:10 29,550 750 29,550 29,500 10
Top-ranked Share Sell Top-ranked Share Buy
Securities Firm Trading Volume Securities Firm Trading Volume
Kiwoomcom Securitie 27,688 Morgan Stanley Co 25,444
Shinhan Investment C 26,731 Kiwoomcom Securitie 23,137
MRASDW 15,105 Shinhan Investment C 17,638
Korea Investment S 12,680 JPMorgan Securitie 13,996
NHIS 11,325 MRASDW 11,368
Date Closing Price Compared to the Previous Day Market Price High Price Low Price Trading Volume Transaction Price
24/12/02 29,650 650 30,900 31,100 29,500 164,198 4,930,450,050
24/11/29 30,300 1,050 31,400 31,500 29,650 259,416 7,826,289,850
24/11/28 31,350 150 31,200 31,450 30,450 317,073 9,843,017,500
24/11/27 31,200 2,900 34,100 34,100 30,900 486,514 15,375,752,550
24/11/26 34,100 1,400 35,500 35,500 33,550 214,295 7,339,933,400
24/11/25 35,500 1,200 34,750 35,500 34,100 192,289 6,713,641,850
24/11/22 34,300 600 34,100 35,100 34,000 164,904 5,717,075,000
24/11/21 33,700 1,600 35,300 35,700 33,550 300,825 10,310,571,500
24/11/20 35,300 1,150 35,200 36,050 34,100 233,544 8,212,688,450
24/11/19 34,150 50 34,350 34,650 33,350 169,853 5,781,141,000